The crazier the idea seems the more reason for it to exist, Keep on building those solutions till someone notices.
Tumelo Baloyi
Code Monger, Dragon Slayer, Activist, Makes a living writing words that execute actions, your local Full stack ninja, hates books loves the internet Experience Workerslife Software Engineer June 2019 - Present (1 year) Pretoria, Gauteng he worked on Advanced sales forecasting system that includes a mobile app that allows sales agents to view their performance in real-time and receive feedback on submitted sales automatically
The work of Tumelo Baloyi
DotAfro is the first pro-black social networking site, where they embrace diversity and other cultures without judgement.
CharOn, is a cell tower protection app. While it is aimed at telcos, it is powered by ordinary citizens acting as a watch over cellphone towers. The batteries powering these towers have become hot property in criminal circles.
Thuso, an app that helps survivours communicate after a natural disaster, such as a flood