Geekulcha Student Society

Student Tech and Innovation Leadership on Campus and Society

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GKSS Leaders

Chapters Created

23 000+
People Impacted

The Geekulcha Student Society (GKSS) is aimed at getting students into Tech and Innovation Leadership for students on campus in generating an understanding of the digital environment, becoming inspired, and enabling life-changing innovation.

Created in 2015, the GKSS initiative has been at the forefront of development of young local tech talent and enabling them into industry towards opportunity and access creation for fellow students.

Geekulcha values growing the GKSS Leaders who in turn, helping the growth of students on campus on various aspects of career development. Train The Trainer sessions are done quarterly for GKSS chapters.

Impact On Campus

The GKSS chapters are rooted on campus and thus represents a platform for developmental goals channeling.

  • Events for growth and skills expression
  • Exposing students to what's in the industry
  • Preparing students for the world of work
  • Helping fellow students with academic work
  • Representing the institution at various programmes

Impact In Society

GKSS leaders are challenged to build better society and has such, has championed programmes to build communinities and prepare the future.

  • STEMI enlightenment programmes
  • Digital Literacy programmes
  • Keeping girls in school
  • Special occasions programmes involvement

Being a GKSS Leader

Networking Skills: An ability to socially network with students, communities, and industry leaders in order to close the gaps.
Critical Thinker: A GKSS leader must be able to think clearly and rationally, and make logical connections between ideas.
Well Organised As a GKSS leader you deal with the students, industry, community as well as your studies.
Leader By Example: As a GKSS leader you should follow and execute the goals set as a team in order for the team to be fully supportive.
Vision & Analysis: As a GKSS leader you should be able to identify the needs of the students and their growth prospects.
Order: It is important that you can professionally call people to order, when it is needed to be. Maintain a healthy environment.
Learn to be curious: Never stop learning, you should always be seeking to improve your knowledge un order to be able to share with others.
Build Coalitions: Find academic, society, industies, and communities whose interests align with your own and work together.
Good Listener: It is important that you are able to sit down with your team plan out activities, and come up with new ideas on.

Highlighted GKSS Chapters

Sol Plaatje University

The very first chapter of the GKSS programme and has set a path for all the chapters, and contributes to NCDev Ecosystem.

Tshwane University of Technology

With roots on IoT, this chapter was created to place a greater support of Geekulcha programmes in Gauteng and set path for emerging technologies.

North West University

From cybersecurity to solutions to help make life easy on campus, GKSS-NWU played a significant role in bring Vaal techies closer to opportunities.

Tshwane North College

A pathway to the Pretoria far north and placing support onto Geekulcha programmes, this chapter is strategic for literacy pathways.

Apply To Lead GKSS In 2025

Represent Geekulcha on campus and create impact for fellow students and the society

Tell us a litle about yourself
Information about your institution
Chapter application information